Can we fool you? #AprilFoolsDay
We’ve pulled together some facts and fiction regarding Lancashire to see if we can fool you this April Fools Day. Challenge your family to this difficult quiz and see who comes out on top
1. Lancashire is the 2nd largest county in England
True or False
2. People from Lancashire are known as Lancashiaries
True or False
3. Lancashire holds one of the smallest towns in Britain
True or False
4. The Forest of Bowland is the same size as New York City
True or False
5. If you were to paint Blackpool Tower, it would take roughly 7 years
True or False
6. It would take you 29 hours to walk from one side of Lancashire to the other
True or False
7. Blackburn was the first UK town to take on mass fingerprinting
True or False
8. The Lancashire Hotpots were nominated for a MTV Music Award in 2007 but lost out to Panic! At The Disco
True or False
9. Eric Morecambe was actually born in Lancaster
True or False
10. Dunsop Bridge in the Ribble Valley is the centre of the British Isles
True or False
Answers: 1. False, 2. False, 3. True, 4. True, 5. True, 6. False, 7. True, 8. False, 9. False, 10. True.
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