Starting Monday 16 May the main access route to Central Car Park via Seasider's Way will be closed to traffic for construction of the new multi-storey car park.
- Parking will be reduced to approximately 800 spaces with access via the main entrance on Central Drive
- The link down to Chapel Street will remain closed
- Diversions will be signposted, with traffic diverted via routes at Parkinson Way/Waterloo Road and Bloomfield Road
- Other car parks in the area remain unaffected - please park as early as you can to avoid disappointment
- Other car parks in the area include South car park, Bloomfield Road, Lonsdale Road, Seasider's Way and Foxhall Village. They are all still in use and accessible. For a map of all local car parks see here: Blackpool Car Parks
- Pedestrian routes will be clearly marked
Disabled parking:
There are still disabled bays in the remaining areas of Central Car Park, situated along the fence by New Bonny Street, opposite Coral Island, as well as near the entrance at Chapel Street.
Disabled badge holders are permitted to use all the bays on Central Car Park, not just the designated disabled bays, with 3 hours free parking.
Coach parking:
Coaches are still expected to continue onto Yeadon Way and signage will be in place to allow drivers to initially follow their normal route towards Blackpool but informing them of the diversions ahead.
The New Bonny Street coach facility will remain in use in its current location, with routes clearly signposted and diversions in place. Coach parking information can be found here: Blackpool Coach Parking
First development phase
As part of the first phase of development at the £300m Blackpool Central scheme, a new 1,306 space multi-storey car park is being delivered first to ensure essential car parking spaces aren’t lost in the town and that future stages of the development can go ahead. To construct the car park safely it will be necessary to close the area to all traffic.
Please keep your eye on our social sites and website for further updates.
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