Dating back to 1325, the 14th century house is embracing the 21st century and celebrating their upcoming 700th anniversary with new developments made possible through funding granted by Biffa Award. Part of this new exhibition includes the intriguing Witch’s Garret and Ghost Room, both of which were previously closed off to the public.

Sharon Jones, Director of Samlesbury Hall said “this generous funding has allowed us to open The Ghost Room and The Witch’s Garret which are located in the attic of the Hall, for the first time. We have also re-interpreted several of our first floor rooms with new content to expand our engagement with the public”.

The complex history of the hall is now being made more accessible to the public, using key characters from the past to present a fresh interpretation of history through displays, interactive elements and media.

Jason Karl, Creative Director at AtmosFEAR! Scare Entertainment said “working with such a rich tapestry of legend, history and local lore gave us a broad spectrum of content regarding the famous ghost of ‘The Lady in White’. The Ghost Room presents an imagined ‘moment in time’ which imparts the story using audio, projection and lighting effects, while The Witch’s Garret explores the witchcraft connections with the Hall”.

The Ghost Room, The Witch’s Garret and re-interpreted upstairs rooms will be open to the public during the Hall’s normal opening times from Friday 17th November 2023. Admission is free and donations are welcome. Opening times can be found on the website at




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